The Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet
There are many different fasting methods that can be used in order to lose weight and detoxify the system. My favorite two are "Juicing" fresh fruits and vegetables and "The Master Cleanse". (I will focus on Juicing and its benefits on my next post).
I found out about the master cleanse a few years back and was very intrigued by all the wonderful health, detox, and weight loss benefits individuals were getting from going on this "Cure All" fasting regimen.
What The Heck Is It?
A man by the name of Stanley Burroughs created the master cleans over 40 years ago to help treat ulcers but found out that this phenomenal cleanse did a whole lot more.
The master cleanse detoxifies the body while it stimulates healthy tissue growth, so basically it scrubs, renews, and rejuvenates every single cell of every organ in your body! Fasting to lose weight does have its advantages.
What Will It Do For Me?
*Weight Loss- The average person will lose 1 - 2 lbs. per day of fat and toxins.
*Cleanses the kidneys and digestive system
*Purifies all glands and cells in the body
*Eliminates hardened materials and waste in joints and muscles
*Purifies the blood stream
*Relieves irritation and pressure blood vessels, arteries and nerves
*Restores healthy skin. Makes you Look and feel younger
*Gets rid of boils, abscesses, carbuncles, pimples and blackheads
*Gets rid of colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial problems
*Increases memory, concentration, energy levels soar through the roof and less sleep is required
*Breaking addictions - people have even been know to go on the cleanse in order to
stop smoking, drinking and drug addictions.
What's In It?
-They have to be fresh not the store bought juice
*Grade B Maple Syrup
-It has got to be this grade, you can get it at most health food stores
*Cayenne Pepper
-Get the powder, they also have it in the liquid form but I never tried it.
*Filtered Water
-Buy a water filter, you can get one for around $15
*Sea Salt (non iodized) Or Herbal Laxative Tea
-While fasting you MUST drink either sea salt with water or an herbal laxative tea 2x's a day. Your body is going to start getting rid of all types of fatty tissue and alot of other stuff that has been stuck inside of you for many, many years and you have to have a way to get it out. Remember, your not eating so you have to get rid of this waste somehow.
Why It Works?
*Lemons are one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals and help to break up and get rid of mucus in the body.
*Maple Syrup Grade B has positive and negative sugars and contain loads of minerals and vitamins such as: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and silicon. Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid.
*Cayenne Pepper also helps to break up mucus and cleanses the circulatory, digestive and respiratory system.
What Are The Negetives?
Day 1-3, a lot of people say (including myself) that getting past the first three days was the hardest part, but everyone is different. You may or may not experience, some fatigue, aches, irritability, and nausea.
You may also have an urge to eat food but DO NOT DO IT!! Just drink more of the lemonade mix when ever you feel a need to eat. It helps with appetite control.
If you can get past the first 1-3 days without eating then you will make it to the 10th day or however many days you would like to detox. You won't even have a need or want to eat. Some people have been know to stay on the cleanse for up to a full month! The master cleans is definitely in my opinion one of the best detox and weight lose programs out today.
About the Author
(ArticlesBase SC #1979672)
Article Source: - Fasting To Lose Weight
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